A quick photo stop at Big Pink in Saugerties, NY

On a recent swing through Woodstock, NY, a pilgrimage needed to be had. For many years, I’ve wanted to pay a visit to a house named “Big Pink” in West Saugerties, which is just a few miles outside of Woodstock. Big Pink is an average house, with a not-so-average past. High up in the mountains, Big Pink was the gathering spot for epic songwriting adventures of Bob Dylan and The Band. Much of The Band’s first two albums were created in the basement of this pink house. Members of The Band lived there, so it became their songwriting clubhouse.

I heard the owners don’t mind people coming up and taking pictures…but Big Pink is private property. Upon our visit, I respectfully snapped a photo and departed. Big Pink is used these days as a vacation rental for those who want to get up close n’ personal with this special place in rock n’ roll history.