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SitlerHQ’s preview video of NIGHT LIGHTS at Griffis Sculpture Park

SitlerHQ’s preview video of NIGHT LIGHTS at Griffis Sculpture Park

For the 9th consecutive year, SitlerHQ will transform Griffis Sculpture Park with colorful and theatrical lighting. For six weeks, SitlerHQ will be producing NIGHT LIGHTS at Griffis Sculpture Park. NIGHT LIGHTS opens Wednesday, September 8th. Check out this year’s preview video:

Video from Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival 2021

Video from Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival 2021

Here’s a short little video from Sunday’s amazing Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival. All the performers were spellbinding. Mom Said No, JGB Shibuki, Bianca L. McGraw, Qwister, Isaac Speath, Patty Griffis and Ruby.

Poster for the 8th Annual Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival

Poster for the 8th Annual Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival

Check out this trippy poster for the 8th Annual Griffis Sculpture Park Summer Festival happening on Sunday, August 15th. SitlerHQ books the performers for this eclectic event. This year’s event is going to be amazing. Pray for good weather.

Sculpture unveilings in Buffalo & Ellicottville, NY

Sculpture unveilings in Buffalo & Ellicottville, NY

Did you know that 90 percent of public statues are of men? That statement alone makes the recent sculpture installations in Buffalo and Ellicottville even more interesting. A few weeks ago, the City of Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, the Buffalo Arts Commission and Nila Griffis, 

Gerard Malanga discusses his newest book of poetry

Gerard Malanga discusses his newest book of poetry

Gerard Malanga has his 14th book of poetry to be released on March 9th by Bottle of Smoke Press. Watch this video and learn a little bit about his new book.

Video trailer for Gerard Malanga’s upcoming book of poetry

Video trailer for Gerard Malanga’s upcoming book of poetry

Here is a video trailer that SitlerHQ produced and edited for Gerard Malanga about his upcoming book of poetry called “The New Melancholia & Other Poems.” The book by acclaimed poet, photographer and Warhol Superstar will be released on March 9, 2021 by Bottle of 

Welcoming in the new year

Welcoming in the new year

About an hour before the new year arrived, we went out for a walk. The camera settings on the phone make it look like it’s 5:00 p.m. Here’s to 2021. We’re going to make it an amazing year.

COVID photoshoot

COVID photoshoot

Late at night. Staring at the computer all day. The pandemic. The aftermath of the presidential election. They all call for the need for a selfie photo shoot. I missed my calling as a male model.

SitlerHQ makes video trailer for Rock n’ Roll Hall of Famer Chris Hillman’s autobiography

SitlerHQ makes video trailer for Rock n’ Roll Hall of Famer Chris Hillman’s autobiography

It was quite an honor to edit a video trailer for the new autobiography of Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, Chris Hillman titled “Time Between: My Life as a Byrd, Burrito Brother and Beyond.” Hillman is considered one of the pioneers of country rock 

Sunday AM with Gerard Malanga

Sunday AM with Gerard Malanga

We recently caught up with Gerard Malanga, acclaimed photo, photographer, film maker and was Andy Warhol’s assistant for seven years. We had brunch in Catskill, NY, visited a few antique stores and filmed some video content in a cozy creekside park. At breakfast, Gerard told